
1978 1983 Espaces d'Abraxas [Ricardo Bofill] BIZARRE COLUMNS XXXII

"A new idea in classicism is evident here. Previous constructional elements -column, entablature, capital- are now amplified in scale, divorced from their former roles and given new ones. The result is surreal, as one would expect, and frightening, due to the Pironesian scale. Some of the detail, such as the end pilasters, is outrageously thin appliqué. This scheme, and Bofill's Arcades du Lac, has thus received its share of censure and contempt - the annoyance which attends a new idea with radical implications. What is the scheme proposing?"

(Jencks, 1982, p.42)

Jencks, Charles (guest editor): AD Profile Free Style Classicism, 1982, p.42.

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