
"Encapsulated David" Piero Frassinelli_Superstudio / The Competitive Hypothesis

Photos: Daniel Fernández Pascual / Carlos Mínguez Carrasco_assistant curator at Storefront 

I. A miniature mock-up of the Encapsulated David is suspended from the ceiling encased in a solitary white egg. It has a peepholes at eye height. The peepholes allows visitors to take a look inside and discover Frassinelli's "Superstar". In his purely written submission to the competition "House for a SuperStar" / Housing Shinkenchiku Competition 1975 Judge: Arata Isozaki, he compares his egg capsule to the eternity of the pyramid and the eternity of the Pharaon. Shifting from the david as a material working-object into himself as a working-author. With his smartly choreographed marketing - making isozaki anticipate his submission via Natalini- Frassinelli reveals his secret touch on the competition work itself, a sentiment that elicits Isozaki admiration.

Arqueología del Futuro ha colaborado junto al gran Daniel Fernández Pascual en el comisariado de una de las secciones de la exposición "The Competitive Hypothesis" denominada "ON ANONYMITY, DECEPTION AND AMBITION" en el Storefront for Art and Architecture [New york] 

The Japan Architect, vol 51 Nº2, February 1976, pp.34-35.

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