
"Postcards From New York", reconstrucción de Arqueología del Futuro + PKMN para la exposición "Past Futures, Present, Futures en el StoreFront for Art and Architecture de New York

Arqueología del Futuro / PKMN hemos sido invitados a la muestra "Past Futures, Present, Futures" en el StoreFront for Art and Architecture de New York... en el que 101 Oficinas de Arquitectura de todo el mundo han reconstruido 101 utopías pasadas futuros con Nueva York como principal protagonista...

Nosotros hemos "Reconstruido" la nº60 "Roof Landing Strip" (1919) de H.T. Hanson, mini-aeropuertos circulares situados sobre los edificios de la ciudad para el desarrollo del transporte aéreo urbano... 

+ info sobre PAST FUTURES, PRESENT, FUTURES [Curated by Eva Franch]: 


Nuestra reconstrucción:

“Postcards from New York”

“October 26th, 2012. This morning, the major has opened the new Roof Landing Strip on Manhattan's Upper East Side, a circular steel structure over Guggenheim Museum.

This new Urban airport Platform makes the number nine in New York since the first unit was built in 1922 according to the design made by H.T. Hanson that appeared on the famous Popular Science review in June 1919. Since then, New York has become the city with the busiest aerial traffic in the world, being a pioneer not only in this kind of communications but also in including airplane as a part of its urban landscape.

The number of planes taking off these Urban Platforms is now reaching 320, and it is one of their purposes to link the heart of the city with the farthest suburbs that are the result of sprawl excesses. Thousands of tourists toy with their cameras trying to catch as many planes as they can, planes that fly through the sky of Manhattan drawing implausible acrobatics.

There are always planes in the sky on our postcards from New York!!!”

Four reference projects:

#01 Raimund Abraham, 1979. Monument to Aviation, Melbourne.
#02 Gianni Pettena, 1971. Imprisonment.
#03 Gianni Pettena, 1971. Architectural Project nº2.
#04 Ufo, 1971. Il mostro dell’ID.

"Roof Landing Strip" (1919) de H.T. Hanson // Popular Science June 1919

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